Do you suffer from ADHD? Are you a regular user of Adderall? Find out how long does Adderall stays in your system? What is the safe intake quantity for Adderall users? – Everything you need to know is here!
Adderall has become one of the most common drugs in use among people who suffer from ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It comes under the category of neurodevelopmental disorder that often takes place in children. However, it can go on for a very long time. According to the research, the one who suffers from ADHD has a hard time placing attention on one activity at a time. Apart from this, the patient also suffers through an imbalance in aspects of personal life such as relationships, low self-esteem at the workplace, etc. Since the 1900s, the Adderall drug has been proven effective among ADHD patients to stay active and focused.
But, in the past few years, the abuse of Adderall among drug users has increased. Please note that the use of Adderall for any other use can harm your health. Adderall overdose can result in cardiac arrest leading to a fatality at the spot. Apart from this, regular use of high doses of Adderall has also showcased symptoms of psychotic illness. Hence, it is best to acknowledge how long does Adderall stay in your system in order to avoid overdose, addiction, or psychotic symptoms. Let’s find out:
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How long does Adderall stay in your system after one-time use?
Presuming that you have consumed 30mg of Adderall for the first time, it will remain in your system (blood) for 46 hours, i.e.., two days approximately. On the other hand, if you are undergoing a urine drug test, Adderall will be detectable in the test from 72-hours to 96 hours after the last use, meaning four days maximum.
Apart from this, one can also detect the use of Adderall in your body via saliva tests or hair tests. According to the studies, Adderall remains detectable in saliva for up to 50 hours maximum. If the dosage is no more than 10 mg, it will remain detectable via saliva test for no more than 20 hours.
On the other hand, it remains detectable via hair root test for up to 3 months. And that’s the maximum limit. In the event that you are going through Adderall addiction, you must go to rehab or look out for the support of your loved ones.
Among college students, the use of Adderall is highly observed during stressful times like examinations. Adderall allows the human body to stay awake, causing insomnia for 12 hours and more if the dosage is higher. There is no doubt that sleep deprivation or insomnia can be very dangerous for the human body. Thus, if you have used Adderall for the first time, it is advised to avoid doing it next as it can transform into addiction very soon.
How long does Adderall stay in your system when pregnant?
The timeline of how long does Adderall stays in your system when pregnant is the same as a normal human being. If a pregnant woman is taking Adderall, it will remain detectable in:
Blood – for 46 hours
Urine – 72 hours minimum, 96 hours maximum
Saliva – 20 hours minimum, 50 hours maximum
Hair – 3 months
However, please note that the utilization of Adderall among pregnant women has proven harmful in medical studies. According to real-time medical cases, pregnant women who use Adderall remains at the risk of following:
- Placental Abruption (the risk for this is very small, however, possible if you have been taking Adderall dosages anywhere between 8-week pregnancy to 18th week).
- Premature birth to the baby (causing incomplete development of limbs and internal organs)
- Unhealthy and excessively malnutritioned baby (which is very difficult to recover in the external environment)
- Fatigue after birth.
- Blockage of milk ducts
- Dysphoria (deep depression and dissatisfaction with life)
- Agitation and Anxiety
To the reader’s surprise, Adderall also remains one of the mainstream aspects in medical cases where false positives are observed. The reason is, Adderall and other drugs used among ADHD patients contain amphetamines and methamphetamines, which dissolve in the body and are detected by home pregnancy tests via urine. Henceforth, causing it to show “positive.”
How does Adderall actually work?
Believe it or not, but those who abuse Adderall for personal pleasure or non-medical benefit, for example – staying awake or feeling high. These non-ADHD Adderall users often defend themselves by saying that it is a 100% prescribed medication and cleared by FDA (U.S. Food and Drugs Administration). But, long-term use of Adderall without ADHD can be very harmful. To learn how you must first acknowledge how Adderall actually works inside the human body:
Let’s suppose you have consumed 30mg Adderall with water. It will first reach your stomach, where the gastrointestinal tract (mouth to anus tract) will absorb it. Now, there are two possibilities – if your liver is strong, it will deactivate the Adderall causing only 20 to 25% of it to reach the urine. Or the entire dose will eliminate the urine. Thereafter, the dose will convert to metabolites, i.e.., benzoic and hippuric acid. As a result, you will have 10% of the Adderall dose in your bloodstream. Similarly, Adderall converted into acid will remain in your urine. The same goes for hair and mouth.
Yet, there’s one condition. Let’s suppose one person’s pH level is higher than the other. In that case, the Adderall consumer with a higher pH value in urine will feel the effect of Adderall for longer than the former consumer. Henceforth, Adderall will remain detectable in his urine for longer hours.
How long does Adderall stay in your system if you have an underlying disease?
To begin with, Adderall dosage of no more than 30mg is a common intake amount for those suffering from ADHD, that too, upon prescription only. However, if you have an underlying disease, it is possible that Adderall will stay in your system for longer than mentioned. Apart from underlying diseases such as kidney impairment, faulty digestive system, etc., the following also act as a huge deciding factor:
- If the person is a regular user of Adderall
- If the dose of Adderall is higher than regular (30mg)
- What is the gap between two doses of Adderall taken by the user
- Above all, what is the bodyweight of the user?
Please note that if you are a sportsperson, Adderall can lead your career to an early and unanticipated end. In the past few years, courts have witnessed cases where sportspeople take up to 100mg of Adderall in order to stay active during the game, which gives them an unfair advantage over the other players. Henceforth, every sportsperson goes through a drug test before walking down the field in the United States and other countries as well.
How do I know if I overdosed on Adderall?
As mentioned before, among college students, the utilization of Adderall during stressful times such as examinations or a big football/baseball game increases. First of all, if you are in school (sportsman) and using Adderall to get away from sleeping – it can be very dangerous to your health. And, the same goes for your fellow mate. So, it is crucial to acknowledge the symptoms of Adderall overdose. If you go through the following symptoms or see anyone going through them, please call 911 for medical emergencies.
- Panic attacks
- Hallucinations (meaning the user is seeing, touching, feeling of being touched by, tasting, talking to, or hearing that is not present in reality).
- Confusion and Aggression
- Abdominal Cramps
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Imbalanced breathing
- high/low heartbeat rate
- Fever
- Tremors (persistent involuntary shaking of hands)
- A huge change in blood pressure causing hypertension
- Rhabdomyolysis (severe muscle breakdown causing kidney failure)
- Coma or Brain Damage
For the most part, all the symptoms of Adderall overdose are similar to any type of drug overdose. However, it is significant to seek medical attention right away because due to aggression or hallucination or confusion, or panic attacks, the patient can be harmful to others nearby.
Psychotic rage when the patient is using Adderall for a long-long time is evident. Henceforth, if you or your beloved one is going through it, please contact 911.
What happens when Adderall is no longer in your system?
This situation is called Adderall withdrawal. Those patients who are Adderall dependent go through the withdrawal when they have passed 24 hours after the last dosage.
To the reader’s surprise, Adderall Withdrawal is also potentially evident among ADHD patients who have been using it for a long time exactly as directed. Thus, when you go through this withdrawal, there are chances of you suffering through one or multiple of the following symptoms:
- Suicidal Tendencies (those who are already suffering from Depression or Chronic/Bipolar Disorder)
- A Hollow Feeling inside your body leading to excessive fatigue
- Rage, Aggression, Frustration, and Agitation
- Excessive physical and mental tiredness (you wouldn’t want to leave the bed)
- Insomnia or Hypersomnia (insomnia causes too little or no sleep at all. Hypersomnia is oversleeping)
- Anxiety attacks
- Visual and sensational experience in slow-motion
- Criticism and self-commentary in your mind about your body, personality, career, relationship, etc.
- Polyphagia/overeating or no appetite at all.
- Body aches and mentally or emotionally painful experience
- Suicide Attempts
In the event that your beloved one is going through Adderall withdrawal, we advise you to sit by their side and comfort them. It is a very delicate time for them as all the physical, mental, and emotional rage is rushing. What they might be experiencing is viewing their life from the worst perspective possible. If the patient talks about suicide or attempts to do so, please contact 911. In the meantime, comfort them and distract their mind from positive things.
How to prevent Adderall misuse?
Irrespective of how long does Adderall stays in your system. It is crucial to note precautions. Even if you are taking Adderall as prescribed by the doctor, it is crucial to stop if any of the following scenarios appears:
- if/when you feel like you cannot wait to take another tablet as directed.
- If/when you begin to enjoy the feeling of numbness and high, it delivers.
- Call your doctor and ask to change your prescription and inform them about previous addictions.
- Try to stay in the present and avoid seeing things or people that are not there; it may trigger hallucinations.
- Avoid taking any other medicine after taking a dose of Adderall.
- Please decrease the dose from 30mg to 10mg if you feel highly affected by how Adderall makes you feel!
So, here’s your answer to how long does Adderall stay in your system! It remains for up to 72 hours. However, Adderall’s strongest effect on the body and brain begins after 1 hour of consumption. So, stay alert! For more details on drug misuse and help, drop your queries below. Find support or be one!